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Strategic Plan 2023-2025

30 Jun 2023

Commissioner’s foreword 

The Strategic Plan for 2023-2025 outlines our key priorities over the next two years and how we plan to deliver them. To inform our strategic objectives, we undertook a performance data and demand review of the operational functions of PIRC.

The findings and recommendations of the review have influenced our strategic objectives for 2023-2025. We have also taken account of the current challenging financial environment. The publication of the Scottish Government’s Resource Spending Review (RSR) in May 2022 set out the spending framework for the years 2023 to 2027 and acknowledged the expectation for public sector organisations to deliver improved outcomes with less.

Our established headcount is 97 employees, which equates to 93 full time equivalent staff, as a number work flexibly. The indicative funding allocation for the financial year 2023-2024 is £6,087,0001 which will provide a 2% uplift. As salaries and associated costs equate to approximately 85% of the budget allocation, this provides no resource for the recruitment of any additional staff to deal with increasing pressures.

PIRC, as an organisation, has developed significantly since its inception in 2013. The scope, scale and complexity of the workload of PIRC has increased considerably. The existing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) do not take cognisance of the significant increase in workload, fiscal constraints on recruitment and the associated pressures on staff wellbeing. We have taken account of these factors in developing the strategic objectives for 2023-2025. 

Our focus will continue to be a commitment to learning and continuous improvement. Our strategic priorities will require to be delivered alongside major changes to PIRC’s statutory responsibilities as a result of the Police (Ethics, Conduct and Scrutiny) (Scotland) Bill that forms part of the Scottish Government’s legislative programme for this parliamentary year (2023-2024). It will seek to introduce a number of legislative provisions recommended in the Complaints Handling, Investigations and Misconduct Issues in Policing Final Report by the Rt Hon. Dame Elish Angiolini (the Angiolini Report) which will extend the current powers and responsibilities of PIRC and alter existing governance arrangements. 


Michelle MacLeod


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