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Senior Management Team meeting - 21 May 2024

19 Jun 2024
  • Welcome and Apologies
  • Minutes and Action Log from previous meeting
  • Commissioner
  • Communications
  • Policy Documents – Amendments and Updates
  • Training
  • Finance
  • Any other business

Michelle Macleod, Commissioner (MM)
Sharon Smit, Accountable Officer / Head of Corporate Services (SS)
Sharon Clelland, Head of Legal Services (SC)
Ilya Zharov, Head of Policy and Reviews (IZ)
Irina Wilkie, Communications Manager (IW)
Laura Duguid, Finance Manger (LD)
Raymond Brown, Head of Investigations (RB)
Jennifer Fisher, Secretariat (JLF)

1. Welcome and Apologies

1.1. Apologies
MM opened the meeting and welcomed all Senior Management Team (SMT) members.

Apologies were noted from Phil Chapman, Director of Operations (PC).

1.2. Matters proposed to be considered in private.
SMT agreed to consider agenda items 10 - 18 in private, for the reasons set out on the agenda.

2. Minutes and Action Log from previous meeting

2.1. Draft Minutes
SMT approved the minutes of the April 2024 meeting.

2.2. Action Log
2023/24: AP10 - SSAP to be reformatted and circulated to members for review

IW met with Ruth McCallum, HR Officer (RMcC) on 20 May to review outstanding actions contained within the 2023/2024 SSAP. Any actions remaining ‘open’ at this time, will be incorporated into the 2024/2025 SSAP.

2023/24: AP11 – SMT / Staff Q&A Session – dates to be identified

Following discussion it was agreed that that the format of the SMT / Staff Q&A session will be reviewed. It was suggested that a series of ‘informal’ staff sessions would be preferred. MM to consider further.

3. Commissioner

3.1. Update paper
MM provided a summary of the Commissioner’s update report (circulated in advance).

Sheku Bayoh Public Inquiry (SBPI)
MM advised that Hearing 7 (Race) is due to convene on 4 June and will sit until 3 July 2024.

A proposed witness schedule, disclosed on 15 May, notes that MM will attend and provide oral evidence to the Inquiry on 20 June 2024. (NB – witness scheduled are subject to change should a witness indicate unavailability to attend on the selected date). At this time, no other PIRC staff (current nor former) are cited to attend Hearing 7.

Work continues to prepare for Hearing 7 and to review the significant number of disclosures provided to core participants.

MM and SC continue to engage with Senior and Junior Counsel to review position statements and discuss preparations for forthcoming hearings.

Civil Case
The Court of Session has set a hearing – in person – on 18 June 2024 in order for parties to be heard on the Appellant’s heard application for leave to appeal to the Court of Session, the hearing has been fixed for 1-hour and written submissions are to be lodged by 6 June 2024. Kirsty Hood KC, is instructed and is preparing submissions on behalf of PIRC.

Members noted the updates provided.

Update 29 May 2024: Gerry Moynihan KC will represent PIRC in the above case. MM and SC are scheduled to meet with Counsel on 4 June to review current position and prepare submissions ahead of deadline (6 June).

4. Communications

4.1. Update paper
IW provided a summary of the Communications update paper (circulated in advance), drawing attention to the following areas:

Annual Report 2023-2024:
First draft submitted to MM on 15 May 2024 for review. Initial feedback identified a number of amendments required to foreword – IW to progress amendments.
IW continues to engage with publishers.

Public Inquiry
IW and SC to agree legal briefing to assess communication provision ahead of MM providing evidence to the Inquiry on 20 June 2024.

Staff Survey 2024
IW met with RMcC to review outstanding items from 2023/2024 Staff Survey Action Plan. Any actions remaining ‘open’ at this time, will be incorporated into the 2024/2025 Action Plan.

Out of Hours Communications requirements
IW undertaking initial scoping of current provision and to identify any requirement for out of hours cover – further details to be provided when available.

Members noted the updates provided.

5. Policy Documents – Amendments and Updates

5.1. PIRC Code of Conduct for PIRC Employees
SS provided members with a summary of the amendments made to the Code of Conduct for PIRC Employees Policy (circulated in advance), highlighting that changes provided staff with clearer guidance and links to existing policy documents.

Members approved the policy.

5.2. Government Procurement Card Policy
SS provided members with a summary of the amendments made to the Government Procurement Card Policy (circulated in advance), highlighting that changes gave card holders clearer guidance on appropriate use of procurement cards.

Members approved the policy.

5.3. Equal Opportunities Policy
SS provided members with a summary of the amendments made to the Equal Opportunities Policy (circulated in advance), highlighting that changes provided staff with clearer guidance of Police Scotland Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

Members approved the policy.

6. Training

SS provided an overview of the Training update report (circulated in advance). SS noted that this was a new report prepared by Hazel Wyper, Training Coordinator (HW) and advised that the report could be amended to provide more or less detail if required.

SS further noted that HW is currently developing a 3-year training plan, detailing mandatory, optional and training requirements identified / requested within staff mis year and year end appraisals. The 3-year plan will be shared with members when available.

Members noted the update provided.

7. Finance

7.1. Management Accounts to April 2024
LD provided members with a verbal summary of the Management Accounts to end April 2024 (circulated in advance). LD highlighted the following:

  • Running Costs underspend due to budget phasing
  • Staffing Costs underspend due to vacancies and delays in recruitment to posts
  • Legal Costs underspend due to delays in Counsel invoicing
  • Media and Marketing costs underspend due to budget phasing

LD advised members that she plans to review reporting of Management Accounts at SMT, focusing on budgeting and forecasts and a strategic focus / topic selected each month to update members on.

Members noted the updates provided.


Reappointment of the Police Investigations and Review Commissioner, Michelle MacLeod
MM advised members that she has accepted an offer to extend her contract until early 2025. An internal staff message and SG press release will be published at 12 noon today.

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