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Senior Management Team Meeting - 21 March 2023

12 Apr 2023
  1. Welcome
  2. Minutes and Action Log from previous meeting
  3. Commissioner
  4. Communications
  5. Policy Documents – Amendments and Updates – for approval
  6. Training
  7. Finance


Michelle Macleod     Commissioner (MM) 
Phil Chapman          Director of Operations (PC) 
Sharon Smit            Accountable Officer / Head of Corporate Services (SS) 
Sharon Clelland       Head of Legal Services (SC) 
Ilya Zharov              Head of Reviews and Policy (IZ) 
John McSporran      Head of Investigations (JMcS) 
Laura Duguid           Finance Manager (LD) 
Rhoda Braddick       Communications Manager (RB) (via MS Teams) 
Jennifer Fisher        Secretariat (JLF)

  1. Welcome and Apologies


PC opened the meeting and welcomed all Senior Management Team (SMT) members. 

No apologies were noted. 

Matters proposed to be considered in private 

SMT agreed to consider agenda items 8-13 in private, for the reasons set out on the agenda. 

  1. Minutes and Action Log from previous meeting 

Draft Minutes 

SMT approved the minutes of the February 2023 meeting. 

Action Log 

SMT noted updates to the action log.

  1. Commissioner

Update paper 

MML provided a paper to members (circulated in advance) containing detailed updates on a range of ongoing work, drawing attention to the following areas:

  • Police Complaints and Misconduct Handling Bill
  • Civil Case
  • Performance Data Review
  • Stakeholder Engagements in March and early April 2023.
  • Joint Audit between PIRC and SPA – of Complaint Triage by Police Scotland’s National Complaint
  • Assessment and Resolution Unit (NCARU)

SMT noted the update provided. 

PIRC 10-year Anniversary 

MML provided a verbal update to members in relation to the upcoming PIRC 10-year anniversary. It is proposed that an informal staff event will be held on the afternoon of 25 May 2023 to coincide with the opening of new office accommodation within Hamilton House. 

Further updates will be provided when available. 

SMT noted the update provided. 

Preparation for April 2023 Audit and Accountability Committee 

MML advised member that in addition to standing agenda items, the following matters would be reviewed by the Audit and Accountability Committee members at the April 2023 meeting.

  • Draft Strategic Plan 2023-2025
  • Performance Data Review Process Maps
  • Internal Audit Plan 2023-24
  • External Audit Plan 2023-24
  • Investigations Case Study/Presentation
  • Review of PIRC Risk Register
  • MML advised that a copy of the draft Strategic Plan 2023-2025 and the Performance Data Review
  • Process Maps would be provided to members in advance of the April meeting.

SMT noted the update provided. 

Strategic Plan 2023-2025 

MML advised that final checks are being carried out prior to sending final copy to the publishers. MML noted that we plan to publish the Strategic Plan by end of April 2023. 

SMT noted the update provided.

  1. Communications

Update paper 

RB provided a detailed summary of the Communications update paper (circulated in advance), drawing attention to the following areas:

  • Website/Intranet Development: DEFINE phase complete – moving towards DESIGN phase. Site structure agreed, Reviews staff continue to assess CHR form requirements, DPIAs to be shared with web designers and SMT when available, decision taken NOT to proceed with animations or recruitment portal/form, postpone intranet project until 2024-2025
  • Media enquiries received since last SMT meeting
  • March 2023 Learning Point publication timescale
  • Transfer of web hosting – potential supplier identified. Work continues to progress. SLA to be agreed and shared with Scottish Government when available
  • Members noted the content of the plan
  1. Policy Documents – Amendments and Updates

SS provided a brief summary of the amendments made to the policies circulated in advance. 

Telephone Recording Policy 

Members noted the amendments and approved the policy. 

Unacceptable Actions Policy 

Members noted the amendments and approved the policy. 

  1. Training 

Cyber Awareness Training Evaluation feedback 

SS provided a verbal summary of the Cyber Awareness Training: Evaluation Report (circulated in advance). 

Members noted the content of the report. 

  1. Finance 

Management Accounts to end February 2023 

LD provided a summary of the Management Accounts as at end of February 2023 (circulated in advance), drawing attention to the following areas. 

Budget will be fully spent by year end 
Forecast overspend against original budget has decreased due to delay in Public Inquiry hearing dates: an allocation for these costs was provided in the Spring Budget revisions 
Slower than anticipated legal costs off set by CLUE Software licencing fees 
General Running Costs and Capital spends 
SMT noted the update provided.

  1. Any other business

Restriction in using USB removable storage devices 

SS advised members that SCOTS IT will be introducing restrictions on the use of USB removable storage devices. From 10 April 2023, write and execute permissions will be disabled on all USB removable storage drives used on SCOTS IT equipment. SS advised that an exception request will be submitted to SCOTS IT to allow PIRC to continue to use storage devices. 

SS will provide an update when available. 

Website/Intranet Content 

RB advised that the website and intranet content will be cloned ahead of moving to a new server. During this time, it will not be possible to make any amendments to the website / intranet content. 

RB will provide further updates when available. 

Review of Hybrid Working 

JMcS asked if there would be a review of hybrid working arrangements when the office accommodation within Hamilton House was available for use. 

SS agreed to review the current working arrangements within Investigations and suggested that it would be beneficial to involve staff in the review also. JMcS and SS to progress.

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