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Senior Management Team meeting - 16 April 2024

19 Jun 2024
  • Welcome and Apologies
  • Minutes and Action Log from previous meeting
  • SMT Terms of Reference – Annual Review
  • Commissioner
  • Communications
  • Policy Documents – Amendments and Updates
  • Training
  • Finance
  • Any other business

Michelle Macleod, Commissioner (MM)
Sharon Smit, Accountable Officer / Head of Corporate Services (SS)
Sharon Clelland, Head of Legal Services (SC)
Ilya Zharov, Head of Policy and Reviews (IZ)
Irina Wilkie, Communications Manager (IW)
Laura Duguid, Finance Manger (LD)
Raymond Brown, Head of Investigations (RB)
Jennifer Fisher, Secretariat (JLF)

1. Welcome and Apologies

1.1 Apologies
MM opened the meeting and welcomed all Senior Management Team (SMT) members.

Apologies were noted from Phil Chapman, Director of Operations (PC).

1.2 Matters proposed to be considered in private.
SMT agreed to consider agenda items 10 - 18 in private, for the reasons set out on the agenda.

2. Minutes and Action Log from previous meeting

2.1 Draft Minutes
SMT approved the minutes of the March 2024 meeting.

2.2 Action Log
Nil to report.

3. SMT Terms of Reference – Annual Review

JLF advised members of one minor change to the Senior Management Team – Terms of Reference document (circulated in advance).

Members approved the Terms of Reference.

4. Commissioner

4.1 Update paper
MM provided a summary of the Commissioner’s update report (circulated in advance).

Sheku Bayoh Public Inquiry (SBPI)
MM advised that Hearing 6 – Post Incident Management (COPFS) is due to reconvene on 16 April 2024. To date, no PIRC witnesses are scheduled to attend this hearing.

Work continues to prepare for upcoming hearings and to review documentation being disclosed.

MM and SC continue to engage with Senior and Junior Counsel to review position statements and discuss preparations for forthcoming hearings.

Civil Case
MM advised that the Pursuer / Appellant has lodged a further application with the Court of Session seeking leave to appeal. Submissions will be lodged on behalf of PIRC, opposing this application. Further update will be provided when available.

Members noted the updates provided.

5. Communications

5.1 Update paper
IW provided a summary of the Communications update paper (circulated in advance), drawing attention to the following areas:

Annual Report 2023-2024:
Heads of Department continue to provide draft content for inclusion in the Annual Report.

An initial draft will be provided to SMT for review at a future meeting.

3 Technical upgrades continue to progress.

Creation of an animated web-video (CHR process) is progressing towards production.

Oracle Cloud (HR and Finance System):
Staff guidance / information to be issued advising of timeline for transfer to Oracle Cloud system.

Staff Survey Action Plan:
IW to meet with SS to review action plan.

Members noted the updates provided.

6. Policy Documents – Amendments and Updates

6.1. PIRC Guidelines – Dealing with Allegations of Discrimination when undertaking Investigations and CHRs
JLF advised members that the Guidance document was due for review / revision.

MM tasked IZ to undertake this review with SC providing support if / where required.

MM further advised that a staff message will be issued reminding staff of the Guidance and how is should be referenced / used when undertaking an Investigation or CHR into any allegation of discrimination of any type.

6.2. Hybrid Working Policy
SS provided members with a brief overview of the amendments made to the Hybrid Working Policy since its previous review.

Members approved the policy.

6.3. Leave Allowance Policy
SS provided members with an overview of the legislative changes made to the Leave Allowance Policy.

Members approved the policy.

6.4. Maternity, Paternity and Adoption Leave Policy
SS provided members with an overview of the legislative changes made to the Maternity, Paternity and Adoption Policy.

Members approved the policy.

6.5. Flexible Working Policy

SS provided members with an overview of the legislative and staff guidance changes made to the Flexible Working Policy.

Members approved the policy.

7. Training

SS provided a verbal update to members on a range of ongoing training, drawing attention to the following.

Internal Training

  • Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion training: ‘Race in the Workplace’ scheduled over various dates in April 2024. This is a guided session, delivered by Fiona Strang and Kendall Greenshields and provides details regarding Intersectionality, Tokenism, Microaggressions
  • Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion training: Empower Hour sessions delivered by Police Scotland CPD Team: various dates in April 2024,
  • FOISA training sessions: Internal training, various dates in April 2024
  • Criminal Justice Act (delivered by Police Scotland)
  • ACAS training: Behaviours at Work – Understanding the Unacceptable – various dates in May 2024
  • Objective Setting training to be delivered to managers

Members noted the update provided.

8. .Finance

8.1. Management Accounts to end March 2024
LD advised that work continues to finalise the year end position and that final accounts will be circulated when available.

LD provided members with an overview of the projected spending against budget allocation (circulated in advance) highlighting the staffing and running costs required each month and noting that efficiency savings of approximately £31k are to be identified by year end.

Members noted the updates provided.


Nil of note.

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