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Senior Management Team Meeting - 12 April 2023

31 May 2023
  1. Welcome

  2. Minutes and Action Log from previous meeting

  3. Commissioner

  4. Communications

  5. Policy Documents – Amendments and Updates – for approval

  6. Finance

  7. Any other business


Michelle Macleod     Commissioner (MM)

Phil Chapman          Director of Operations (PC)

Sharon Smit            Accountable Officer / Head of Corporate Services (SS)

Nicola McInally        Senior Review Officer (NM)

John McSporran       Head of Investigations (JMcS)

Laura Duguid            Finance Manager (LD)

Jennifer Fisher          Secretariat (JLF)

  1. Welcome and Apologies

PC opened the meeting and welcomed all Senior Management Team (SMT) members.

Apologies were noted from Ilya Zharov, Head of Policy and Reviews, Rhoda Braddick, Communications Manager and Sharon Clelland, Head of Legal Services.

Matters proposed to be considered in private
SMT agreed to consider agenda items 7-13 in private, for the reasons set out on the agenda.

  1. Minutes and Action Log from previous meeting

Draft Minutes

SMT approved the minutes of the March 2023 meeting.

Action Log

SMT noted updates to the action log.

  1. Commissioner

Update paper

MML provided a paper to members (circulated in advance) containing detailed updates on a range of ongoing work, drawing attention to the following areas:

  • Civil Case
  • Performance Data Review
  • Stakeholder Engagements in April and early May 2023.
  • Joint Audit between PIRC and SPA – of Complaint Triage by Police Scotland’s National Complaint Assessment and Resolution Unit (NCARU)SMT noted the update provided.
  1. Communications

Update paper

In the absence of RB, PC provided a brief summary of the Communications update paper (circulated in advance), drawing attention to the following areas:

Website/Intranet Development: work continues to progress the Web development project.
Strategic Plan – DRAFT document shared with Audit and Accountability Committee (AAC) members for discussion at April 2023 meeting.
Members noted the content of the plan

  1. Policy Documents – Amendments and Updates

SS provided a brief summary of the amendments made to the Staff Survey and two policies (circulated in advance).

Staff Survey

Members noted the amendments and approved the Staff Survey for issue.

SS to discuss with Staff Representative Group how best to disseminate survey to staff group.

SS will provide a further update when available.

Managing Occupational Road Risk (MORR) Policy

JMcS provided observations in relation to the timescales noted within Section 8 of the policy – Assessing and Controlling the Risks. Following a short discussion, it was agreed that further discussion / review of this section would be required; SS, JMcS and Corporate Services Manager to meet to review Section 8 with an amended policy presented for approval at a future SMT meeting.

Environmental Policy

Members noted the amendments and approved the Environmental Policy.

  1. Finance

Management Accounts to end March 2023

LD provided a verbal summary of the Management Accounts as at end of March 2023, highlighting the following areas.

  • Work continues to finalise year end position and forecast amounts.
  • DRAFT Management Accounts will be available for AAC meeting scheduled for 26 April 2023
  • Audit Scotland have provided a proposed timetable for reporting arrangements; Audit Scotland aim to have completed the Independent Auditors Report by mid-July 2023.
  • Finance Officer – Interviews held on 28 March 2023 however no successful candidate identified. Vacancy to be re-advertised.

SMT noted the update provided.

  1. Any other business

Oracle Cloud – New integrated HR and Finance System
SS advised that the platform selected to replace eHR, SEAS, Easebuy and PECOS will be Oracle Cloud.

Implementation of Oracle Cloud will begin in the second half of 2023 with regular communications and training provided to staff.

SS will provide further updates when available.

Review of Hybrid Working Model

JMcS asked that there was a review of the current Hybrid Working model when the additional accommodation within Hamilton House becomes available for use.

SS agreed to undertake an organisational review.

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