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Senior Management Meeting Minutes - 15 July 2022

16 Aug 2022
  1. Apologies

  2. Minutes of previous SMT meeting

  3. Actions from previous meetings

  4. Commissioner

  5. Director of Operations

  6. Accountable Officer

  7. Head of Legal Services

  8. Finance

  9. Communications

  10. Reviews

  11. Investigations

  12. Corporate Services

  13. Any other business


Michelle Macleod     Commissioner
Phil Chapman          Director of Operations
Sharon Smit            Accountable Officer / Head of Corporate Services
Ilya Zharov              Head of Reviews and Policy
Sharon Clelland       Head of Legal Services
William Little            Senior Investigator
Rhoda Braddick       Communications Manager
Jennifer Fisher         Secretariat

1. Apologies

PC opened the meeting and welcomed all Senior Management Team (SMT) members.

Apologies were noted from John McSporran, Head of Investigations and Laura Duguid, Finance Manager.

2. Minutes of previous meeting

2.1       Draft Minutes

The minutes of the June 2022 meeting were approved.

3. Action from previous meetings

3.1       Action Log

SMT noted the updates to the action log.

4. Commissioner

4.1       Commissioner’s update

MM provided a detailed summary of the update paper (circulated in advance), drawing attention to the following areas:

  • Website Accessibility update

  • Public Inquiry and associated legal costs

  • Dame Angiolini Review – Public Consultation

  • Civil Case

  • Stakeholder Engagement

  • Reviews – Single Point of Contact officers

  • SPA Complaints and Conduct Committee

  • Heads of Justice Inspectorate Forum

  • Sponsor Team Meeting

  • Heads of PIRC, PONI and SPSO Meeting

  • Revised Statutory Guidance

  • Audit: Joint Audit between PIRC and SPA

  • Recruitment

SMT noted the update provided.

4.2       Frequency of Team Meetings

MM advised that at the Business Continuity Group meeting, held on 12 July, member(s) had requested clarification of the appropriate frequency for team meetings to be held.

Following discussion, it was agreed that Heads of Department / Managers should discuss the optimum frequency of such meetings with staff in their respective departments and implement a meeting schedule that meets with the views of the majority. (i.e. daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or quarterly).

SMT noted the update provided.

Director of Operations

PC provided an update to members with regards to a range of ongoing work, drawing attention to the following areas:

  • Articles 3 and 5 Process Review

  • Statistical Business Rules

  • Hybrid working

5.1       Website Publication of Meeting Minutes

PC proposed that future SMT Meetings are divided into two sessions;

Part I – Update papers and discussions / decisions regarding Non-Operational agenda items would be recorded and included in the published minutes.

Part II -  Update papers and discussions / decisions regarding Operational issues, personnel issues, commercially sensitive contract / tenders etc. would be recorded however NOT included in the published minutes.

A template agenda for future SMT meeting’s is to be drafted and circulated to members prior to the August SMT meeting for consideration and use at the August SMT.

Additionally, MM advised that consideration should be given to archiving historical information and proposed that going forward, PIRC should publish a rolling year of meeting minutes on the PIRC website. RB agreed to undertake a review of the publications available and remove anything out with this timescale.

SMT noted the update.

6. Accountable Officer

SS provided a detailed summary of the Risk Register and summary update to June 2022 (circulated in advance).

6.1       Risk Register Update

SS advised that Richard Mackie, RSM Auditor, will provide training to the designated Risk Coordinators.

6.2       Audit Log

SS advised that Actions 51-56 (Review of Trainee Programme) and 59 (Flexi-time Audit) are now completed, Actions 57 and 58 (Review of Trainee Programme) are ongoing.

SS further advised that the report in relation to the IT Audit is to be provided ahead of the Audit and Accountability Committee scheduled for 21 July.

The next scheduled audit will focus on Recruitment.

Additionally, SS advised that External Auditors are due to attend PIRC offices week commencing 18 July, for a two-week period, to undertake the Finance Audit.

SMT noted the update.

7. Head of Legal Services

7.1       Update Report

SC provided an update to members with regards to a range of ongoing work, drawing attention to the following areas:

  • Civil Case

  • Public Inquiry

SMT noted the update provided.

8. Finance

8.1       Management Accounts

SS provided a summary of the DRAFT Management Accounts to end June 2022 (circulated in advance).

Upon return from leave, LD is to update the Management Accounts paper which will be presented to the Audit and Accountability Committee on 21 July.

SMT noted the update provided

9. Communications

9.1       Update Report

RB provided a detailed summary of the Communications update as at end of June 2022 (circulated in advance), drawing attention to the following areas:

  • Website / Intranet Development

  • Accessibility

  • Media enquiries / Pulse news articles / Staff Messages

SMT noted the update provided.

10. Reviews

10.1    Performance Report

IZ provided a summary of the Reviews Workload report to June 2022 (circulated in advance), drawing attention to the following areas:

  • Number of CHR’s received / issued / under review

  • Number of complaints found to be ‘not reasonably’ handled

  • Average age of pending cases

  • Number of cases completed 2021/22

  • Performance against KPI’s

  • Staff Training

MM highlighted that recommendations issued to Police Service of Scotland are of interest to the Audit and Accountability Committee and therefore the recording of recommendations issued and any implementation of those recommendations, should be formalised.

IZ advised that PIRC and Police Scotland regularly feedback and provide updates on implementation of recommendations at a monthly ‘hub meeting’. IZ agreed to forward the most recent meeting report to MM.

RB asked if recommendations issued / implemented were published on the PIRC website. Further discussion is to be held in order to progress this.

SMT noted the update provided.

11. Investigations

11.1    Performance Report

WL provided a summary of the Investigations Workload report to June 2022 (circulated in advance), drawing attention to the following areas:

  • Number of Investigations undertaken in 2021/22

  • Performance against KPI’s

  • Investigations Team Structure

  • PIRC / PSD Liaison Event

  • Report Writing & Correspondence Workshops

SMT noted the update provided.

12. Corporate Service

12.1    Performance Report

SS provided a detailed summary of the Corporate Services Workload reports to June 2022 (circulated in advance), drawing attention to the following areas:

  • Recruitment

  • Accommodation Business Case

  • Performance against KPI’s

  • Learning Point publication

  • Occupational Health referral timescales

  • Staff hybrid Guidance for Staff document

SS advised that there was a slight increase in number of staff reporting positive Covid tests.

Heads of Department / Managers are asked to remind staff of the Hybrid Working Guidance for Staff document (available on Pulse) and the safety measures that remain in place at this time:

  • open windows,

  • clean desk’s / equipment before and after use,

  • wash / sanitise hands,

  • Booking desk via Admin Team prior to attending office etc.

12.2    Whistleblowing Policy

SMT were provided with a DRAFT copy of the above policy for approval.

SS advised of one additional appendix that is to be added to the policy.

SMT noted and approved the updated policy.

13. Any other business

Nil discussed.

DEA Public Consultation Strategy Session
Notes taken during this session will be provided to members under separate cover.

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