Complaint Handling Reviews

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Report - Scottish Police Authority – PIRC/00138/24

31 Jul 2024

The Complaint

The complaint in this case arose after the applicant provided Police Scotland with a number of documents for fingerprint analysis by the Scottish Police Authority’s Forensic Services. 

We have reviewed the handling of a single complaint, namely that: 

  1. Between June and December 2023, Forensic Services in the Scottish Police Authority failed to provide the applicant with fingerprint analysis results.

The Scottish Police Authority's Decision

The Scottish Police Authority did not provide a determination on the applicant’s complaint. 

Our Findings

We have found that the Scottish Police Authority did not handle the applicant’s complaint to a reasonable standard. 

Consequently, we have made a recommendation and identified four learning points for the Scottish Police Authority.

In summary, we have recommended that the Scottish Police Authority now records an appropriate determination in relation to this complaint. In addition, we have asked the Scottish Police Authority to implement four learning points in relation to record-keeping in complaint files, and ensuring that final response letters to complainers meet the provisions of the statutory guidance that we issue to all policing bodies operating in Scotland.  

Our recommendation and learning points should be implemented by the Scottish Police Authority within two months of the date of this report.


The Scottish Police Authority (SPA) implemented the recommendation and learning points identified in this case. In doing so, the SPA recorded an appropriate determination of ‘upheld’ on the applicant’s complaint. Further, the SPA appropriately disseminated learning to its complaint handlers in relation to record-keeping in complaint files and ensuring that final response letters to complainers meet the provisions of the statutory guidance that we issue to all policing bodies operating in Scotland.

Police Bodies: Scottish Police Authority

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