Complaint Handling Reviews

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Report – Police Scotland – PIRC/00733/22

03 May 2023

The Complaints

The complaint in this case arose after the applicant reported alleged theft and fraud to the police. We have reviewed the handling of one complaint, namely that:

  • Police Scotland carried out insufficient enquiries into alleged theft and fraud reported by the applicant. 

Police Scotland’s Decision

Police Scotland did not give a determination on the complaint.

Our Findings

We have found that Police Scotland did not handle the applicant’s complaint to a reasonable standard.

Consequently, we have made a single recommendation to address the shortcomings in Police Scotland’s handling of the complaint. In summary, we have recommended that Police Scotland takes into account our observations and provides the applicant with a further response which: addresses the complaint; advises whether the complaint is upheld or not upheld; and, explains the rationale for the conclusions reached.

Our recommendation should be implemented by Police Scotland within two months of the date of this report.


Police Scotland implemented the recommendation made in this case. In doing so, Police Scotland provided the applicant with a further response that was well reasoned and clearly explained why the complaint remained not upheld.

Police Bodies : Police Scotland

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