Complaint Handling Reviews

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Report - Police Scotland - PIRC/00650/22

08 Jun 2023

The complaint

The complaint in this case arose after the applicant was arrested and taken into police custody. 

We have reviewed the handling of a single complaint, namely that: 

  • On 30 May 2021, the applicant did not receive medical attention whilst in police custody.

Policing bodies decision

Police Scotland did not uphold the applicant’s complaint. 

Our findings

We have found that Police Scotland handled the applicant’s complaint to a reasonable standard. 

Nonetheless, we have identified a learning point relative to Police Scotland’s handling of the complaint. In summary, we have highlighted learning regarding the application of the non-investigation provision as per the PIRC statutory guidance. 

Our learning point should be implemented by Police Scotland within two months of the date of this report.


Police Scotland implemented the Learning Point identified in this case. In doing so, an email was sent to complaint handlers reminding them that if a complaint is not a trivial matter, and therefore not suitable for early resolution, it is also not suitable for the non-investigations provision. Police Scotland reminded complaint handlers to familiarise themselves with the early resolution provision as per PIRC’s Statutory Guidance

Police Bodies: Police Scotland 

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