Complaint Handling Reviews

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Report – Police Scotland – PIRC/00619/22

22 May 2023

The Complaints

The complaints in this case arose following the police response to an altercation involving the applicant and her neighbour. We have reviewed the handling of two complaints, namely that:

  1. the applicant was dissatisfied with the police response in relation to abuse she received from a neighbour; and
  2. the applicant was dissatisfied with advice provided by a Police Scotland call handler. 

Police Scotland’s Decision

Police Scotland did not uphold either of the applicant’s complaints.

Our Findings

We have found that Police Scotland handled complaint 1 to a reasonable standard but not so complaint 2.

Consequently, we have made a recommendation and identified a learning point to address the shortcomings in Police Scotland’s handling of the complaint. In summary, we have recommended that Police Scotland re-assess the information available, specifically with regard to a second 101 call made by the applicant to Police Scotland. A further response should then be sent to the applicant.

Our recommendation and learning point should be implemented by Police Scotland within two months of the date of this report.


Police Scotland implemented both a recommendation and learning point in this case. While the applicant’s complaint remained not upheld, Police Scotland carried out further enquiries into the complaint and re-assessed it as a result of the information obtained. A detailed further response was then provided to the applicant which allowed her to properly understand why her complaint had not been upheld. Our organisational learning point was accepted and appropriately disseminated. 

Police Bodies : Police Scotland

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