Complaint Handling Reviews

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Report - Police Scotland - PIRC/00590/21

31 May 2022

The Complaints

The complaints in this case arose when Police Scotland attended the applicant’s address in response to a concern reported by a member of the public.

We have reviewed the handling of five complaints, namely that:

  1. on 8 January 2021, officers who attended the applicant’s address did not show their warrant cards or offer to do so

  2. officers were banging on the applicant’s door, shouting and looking through her windows for over an hour and half, which amounted to harassment;

  3. the officers failed to provide a sufficient explanation for attending the applicant’s address or why they needed to come into her home;

  4. officers put the applicant and her husband at risk by not socially distancing and by not wearing full personal protective clothing;

  5. Police Scotland failed to take action against the person who lied to the police when reporting a disturbance on 8 January 2021

Police Scotland’s Decision

Police Scotland did not uphold any of the applicant’s complaints.

Our Findings

We have found that Police Scotland handled complaints 1, 2, 4 and 5 to a reasonable standard, but not so complaint 3.

Police Bodies : Police Scotland

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