Complaint Handling Reviews

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Report – Police Scotland – PIRC/00355/22

28 Feb 2023

The Complaints

The complaints in this case arose as a result of the interaction between the applicant and police after the applicant had been observed filming the rear yard of a police station. We have reviewed the handling of five complaints, namely that: 

  1. marked police vehicles are continually being parked in metred parking spaces in a specified location without payment being made;

  2. officers threatened to detain the applicant if he did not provide his details;

  3. an officer threatened to put the applicant’s god in kennels if he did not provide his details;

  4. an officer was sarcastic towards the applicant; and

  5. Police Scotland took and unreasonable amount of time to investigate his complaints.

Police Scotland’s Decision

Police Scotland upheld complaint 5, but did not uphold the remainder of the applicant’s complaints. 

Our Findings

We have found that Police Scotland handled complaints four and five to a reasonable standard but not the applicant’s other three complaints (1, 2 and 3).

Consequently, we have made three recommendations to address the shortcomings in Police Scotland’s handling of the complaints. In summary. We recommend that Police Scotland should carry out further enquiries in relation to complaints one and reassess complaints two and three, with specific reference to the observations made in our report. A further response should then be sent to the applicant.

Our recommendations should be implemented by Police Scotland within two months of the date of this report. 


Police Scotland implemented all three recommendations made in this case. In doing so, they carried out proportionate further enquiries, reassessed the complaints, and provided the applicant with a further response. While all three complaints remained not upheld, the applicant was provided with a detailed further response which was sufficient to allow him to understand the determination reached in relation to each complaint.

Police Bodies : Police Scotland

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