Complaint Handling Reviews

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Report - Police Scotland - PIRC/00344/21

28 Jun 2022

The Complaints

The complaints in this case arose from Police Scotland’s interactions with the applicant in connection with a neighbour dispute.

We have reviewed the handling of six complaints, namely that:

  1. an officer bullied the applicant by using emotional and financial blackmail to get him to accept the return of a vehicle to his driveway;

  2. the same officer made unhelpful and hurtful comments to the applicant in relation to the situation with his neighbour, and in doing so, demonstrated an inherent bias and caused the applicant distress;

  3. the same officer did not reply to an email from the applicant, which left him feeling unsupported;

  4. Police Scotland failed to identify the theft of the applicant’s vehicle as a criminal matter and deal with it accordingly;

  5. Police Scotland failed to attend a disturbance that the applicant reported; and

  6. an officer forced the applicant to accept a course of action, which caused him inconvenience, financial loss and exposed him to bullying and danger from his neighbour.

Police Scotland’s Decision

Police Scotland upheld complaint 3, but did not uphold complaints 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6.

Our Findings

We have found that Police Scotland handled complaints 1, 3, 5 and 6 to a reasonable standard, but did not handle complaints 2 and 4 to a reasonable standard.

We have made three recommendations.

In relation to Complaint 1 we have recommended that Police Scotland undertakes further enquiry with the applicant to obtain the audio recording of mentioned telephone call. Police Scotland should then reassess the complaint in light of the content of the audio recording. Police Scotland should thereafter issue the applicant with a fresh response detailing the outcome of this assessment and explaining why, on balance, the complaint has been upheld or not upheld

In relation to Complaint 2, we have recommended that Police Scotland undertakes further enquiry with the applicant to obtain the audio recording of the mentioned telephone call. Police Scotland should then reassess the complaint in light of the observations made in our report and the content of the audio recording. Police Scotland should thereafter issue the applicant with a fresh response detailing the outcome of this assessment and explaining why, on balance, the complaint has been upheld or not upheld. If the complaint is upheld, Police Scotland should provide an apology to the applicant for the shortcomings identified.

In relation to Complaint 4, we have recommended that Police Scotland revisit this complaint with reference to the observations made in our report and reassess the complaint, taking into account all of the material information available. A fresh response should then be provided to the applicant detailing the outcome of this assessment and explaining why the complaint has been upheld or not upheld.

Police Bodies : Police Scotland

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