Complaint Handling Reviews

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Report – Police Scotland – PIRC/00196/22

03 Feb 2023

The Complaints

The complaints in this case arose following a report from the applicant that there had been unexplained activity, including the triggering of a motion detector, within the property where she was residing. We have reviewed the handling of 4 complaints, namely that:

  1. an officer was intimidating in his tone and approach to the applicant, while attending an incident at her home;
  2. the same officer’s actions were influenced by information about the applicant’s medical condition, given to him by her husband;
  3. following the incident, the same officer wrote to the applicant’s doctor, which damaged her relationship with him; and
  4. the officer disclosed information about the applicant’s medical condition to the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA). 

Police Scotland’s Decision

Police Scotland did not uphold any of the applicant’s complaints.

Our Findings

We have found that Police Scotland handled all of the applicant’s complaints to a reasonable standard.

However we have made one recommendation to address an administrative shortcoming in Police Scotland’s handling of the complaints. Specifically, that Complaint 3 and Complaint 4 be recorded as separate complaints.

Our recommendation should be completed by Police Scotland within two months of the date of this report.

Police Bodies : Police Scotland

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