Complaint Handling Reviews

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Report – Police Scotland – PIRC/00090/22

10 Nov 2022

The complaints

The complaints in this case arose as a result of a report the applicant made to the police in 1985. We have reviewed the handling of two complaints, namely that:

  1. Police Scotland cannot find any record of a report of rape the applicant made in 1985, or recover items of clothing taken from her as part of that investigation; and
  2. Due to Police Scotland being unable to find any record of the applicant’s report of rape in 1985, the investigation of that allegation cannot be taken forward now. 

Police Scotland’s decision

Police Scotland did not uphold the applicant’s complaints.

Our findings

We have found that Police Scotland handled complaint 2 to a reasonable standard but not so complaint 1.

Consequently, we have made a recommendation to address the shortcomings in Police Scotland’s handling of complaint 1. In summary, we have recommended that Police Scotland considers the shortcomings we have identified and provides the applicant with a well-reasoned further response to this complaint.

Our recommendation should be completed by Police Scotland within two months of the date of this report.

Police Bodies : Police Scotland

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