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Investigation report - Taser Discharge 22 April 2023

21 Aug 2024


On Wednesday 5 April 2023, a Specially Trained Officer (STO) of Police Scotland discharged a Taser device at a child, then aged 15, whilst he was holding a knife to his own throat.

Referral to the PIRC

On 5 April 2023, Police Scotland referred the incident to the Police Investigations and Review Commissioner (PIRC) in terms of Section 33(A) (c) of the Police, Public Order and Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 2006 (as amended) and the Police Investigations and Review Commissioner (Investigations Procedure, Serious Incidents and Specified Weapons) Regulations 2013.

PIRC investigation  

The PIRC undertook an investigation into the circumstances. 

During the course of the investigation PIRC investigators obtained and reviewed statements from medical professionals, civilian and police witnesses. They examined  briefing papers, reports, documentation, telephone calls and Police communications, Police Training and Guidance.


In the early hours of 5 April 2023, Police Scotland received a 999 call from a 15-year-old young male, who threatened to kill his mother. He then disconnected the call. The young person suffered from anxiety and depression and had previously expressed suicidal thoughts.

A short time later, Police Scotland received a further 999 call from the mother of the young male, reporting that her son had threatened to stab her before leaving their home and that he may be in possession of a knife. She also reported she had subsequently received a voice message from him stating that he would stab anyone who came near him.

As part of the police response, a Specially Trained Officer (STO), who is authorised to carry a Taser, was deployed. Officers contacted the young male on his mobile telephone and during the conversation he informed them that he wanted to die and confirmed he was in possession of knife. His mother received another message from him, indicating where he was located.

The Specially Trained Officer (STO) traced the young male and saw him to be holding a knife with a five inch blade. He failed to comply with clear and unequivocal instructions given by the STO to drop the knife and in response raised the knife to his throat.

The STO having considered and excluded other tactical options, including the use of PAVA or baton, and perceiving that it was the males intention to seriously harm himself, discharged his Taser. This took effect on the young male who fell to ground and was taken under control.

Police officers  subsequently detained the young male under the Mental Health (Scotland) Act 2003 and took him to a hospital where it was assessed that he was not suffering any ill effects as a result of the Taser and he was discharged into his mother’s care.

PIRC findings

Following investigation, PIRC found that the decision by the police officer to discharge the Taser was effective in bringing the young male under control and disarming him. This ensured his safety as well as that of the officer and the wider public.  The officers’ actions were in accordance with training, policy and guidelines provided by Police Scotland. 

Taking all the circumstances into account, and particularly the actions of the young male placing the knife against his throat, the action taken by the police officer was necessary and proportionate to mitigate the potential risk of serious self harm being inflicted.


The Commissioner makes no recommendations. 


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