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FOISA Response No. 842 - recommendations actioned by Police Scotland

08 Feb 2023

Where relevant, we publish our responses to Freedom of Information requests under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA).

This response addressed the following queries:

  • “In 2021, what percentage of recommendations were actioned by Police Scotland, in the time recommended by the PIRC?”

“Please also tell me the NUMBER of CHR recommendations and the NUMBER implemented within the recommended time.”

Please find a table with the requested information below. Please note that in some cases the implementation can be delayed by the PIRC taking time to assess the proposed implementation.

The figures are for the calendar year 2021 as requested.

Total number of CHR recommendations306
Number of recommendations implemented278
Number of recommendations implemented within two months116
Percentage of recommendations implemented within two months38%


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