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FOISA Response No. 807 - Complaints statistics

28 Oct 2022

Where relevant, we publish our responses to Freedom of Information requests under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA).

This response addressed the following query:

“Please provide me with the following information for the time period commencing 1 April 2013 through to 19 August 2022:

  1. The total number of complaints made to PIRC for each year within the time period specified above.
  2. The total number of complaints made to PIRC that have proceeded to the Complaints Handling Review Stage for each year within the time period specified above.
  3. The total number of complaints made to PIRC that have proceeded to the Complaints Handling Review Stage and which have resulted in a recommendation being issued to the policing body for each year within the time period specified above.
  4. The total number of complaints made to PIRC that have proceeded to the Complaints Handling Review Stage and which have resulted in a reconsideration direction being issued to the policing body for each year within the time period specified above.
  5. The total number of complaints made to PIRC that have proceeded to the Complaints Handling Review Stage and which have resulted in a learning point being issued to the policing body for each year within the time period specified above.”

The PIRC has considered this as a request under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (“FOISA”). An application for information held by public authorities under section 1 of FOISA requires that a public authority release all information held, subject to any applicable exemptions.

I can confirm that we hold this information. Please find the requested information in the attached table.


 2013-142014-152015-162016-172017-182018-192019-202020-212021-222022 to 19/08/22
number of applications received29228131031229125827927027177
number of CHRs issued17827723027018813724223321270
number of complaints resulting in a recommendation1171861471741128113612312437
number of complaints resulting in a reconsideration direction013523222411101
number of complaints resulting in a learning point951420364054427316


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