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Environmental Policy

01 Mar 2023

1. Introduction

The Police Investigations & Review Commissioner (PIRC) recognises the importance of environmental issues and sustainability and therefore consider these matters in all of our business decisions. This policy is not contractual but environmental issues are an integral part of our quality management process and we believe placing emphasis on this gives the right message to our staff, customers and suppliers, demonstrating our commitment to the wider community.

We comply with all European law applicable to environmental legislation, regulations, approved codes of practice and other external requirements applicable to our business.

Where practicable, we set internal standards which exceed these requirements. In order to develop our environmental policy, we adopt a minimum set of standards, concentrating on processes that cut down waste, re-use resources and recycle wherever possible.

2. Actions Taken

The actions we undertake to adhere to this policy include:

  • disposing of any waste produced in an environmentally responsible manner
  • ensuring wherever possible that all products purchased are derived from natural resources from sustainable sources
  • setting and reviewing annual objectives and establishing, implementing and maintaining programmes in order to achieve these objectives
  • ensuring that all decisions regarding working practices and purchasing take relevant environmental considerations into account
  • where possible reducing the use of personal vehicles for attending meetings and events
  • training and encouraging all staff to work in an environmentally responsible manner and ensuring our communications raise awareness and keep all staff and interested parties informed
  • endeavouring where possible to ensure that clients, suppliers and contractors with whom we have dealings are likewise environmentally minded in their approach to business conducting audits of procedures and practices and responding to deficiencies through a planned programme of remedial action

3. Responsibilities

The Head Corporate Services (HCS) has delegated responsibility for overseeing environmental issues and ensuring we remain compliant with changing legislation. All Heads of Department are responsible for ensuring this policy's successful implementation within their own teams. All employees have a responsibility to adhere to this policy.

4. Minimum Environmental Standards

The points outlined below are the minimum environmental standards we require and endeavour to achieve. As this policy develops, we expect our standards to continually improve.

5. Waste Disposal

We investigate and utilise, wherever possible, environmentally sound waste disposal methods in respect of all waste materials. Any product discharged by us into the drainage system or into the air comply with any legislative requirements.

All bottles, jars, tins, plastics, coffee pods, unusable scrap paper, reports, newspapers, magazines, CD Roms, batteries, toners etc. are responsibly recycled. Obsolete mobile devices and other equipment, fluorescent tubes, exhausted batteries, printer cartridges etc. are sent to an appropriate recycling centre. When replacing items of equipment or furniture we aim to recycle obsolete items.

Where possible, the use of plastic packaging materials is minimised.

6. Consumables

We utilise electronic means of working to reduce waste and discourage the keeping of hard copies. In partnership with other organisations, we utilise an electronic file sharing system (Egress), reducing our carbon footprint and printing. 100% recycled paper is used throughout our offices on a regular basis, wherever possible. All reports, papers and PIRC documents are printed double-sided to minimise paper usage. In addition, the PIRC’s networked printers have the secure print facility engaged which ensures no unnecessary printing is produced which can lead to unnecessary waste.

We aim to buy products made with recycled materials where these are suitable for the job, including re-manufactured printer and toner cartridges, folders, kitchen towels and long life products. Wherever possible, biodegradable and phosphate-free detergents are used in sinks, toilets etc. in consultation with our cleaning contractors.

7. Energy Efficiency

Within the parameters of health and safety, we minimise the use of energy. Long-life low-energy light bulbs and other energy saving devices are used in all areas. Wherever possible and in conjunction with property landlords, lighting in our offices is movement sensitive, and therefore only functions when staff are present, otherwise lighting is switched off. All employees are encouraged to turn off the lights and/or air conditioning systems when leaving their offices unattended, and to turn off the lights and fans in the toilets and other rooms when not in use. Electrical equipment including computers, photocopiers and printers should be switched off when not in use, unless there is particular reason (i.e. terminals left on following request by the IT department in order to undertake essential maintenance outside of normal working hours).

8. Transport and Deliveries

The use of electronic mail is actively encouraged to reduce the use of couriers and postal services. When vehicles are used for business purposes, they should be driven within the parameters of health and safety, our MORR policy and with fuel efficiency in mind.

The use of video/telephone conferencing is promoted to reduce unnecessary travel. Where travel to meetings is necessary, we encourage the use of public transport or shared transport.

We encourage staff to share cars, cycle to work or use public transport where possible. For those who wish to travel by public transport, some flexibility in working hours may be agreed to fit around bus and train times at the discretion of each employee's line manager. The PIRC actively promotes the Cycle To Work scheme each year, which allows employees to purchase a bike and equipment, and have the cost deducted in monthly instalments from their salaries.

9. Relationship with Suppliers

We will establish environmentally sensitive purchasing policies and monitor the environmental awareness of our suppliers, ideally setting a standard with which they must comply.

10. Communication and Training

This policy will be made readily available to all employees, suppliers and service users and we will ensure awareness of environmental issues throughout all areas of our business through staff training and development. In addition, signs reminding staff to recycle waste materials and to economise on electricity are displayed in appropriate locations throughout our premises.

PIRC has established a proactive environmental guardian group, The Green Stuff, which takes the lead on educating, promoting and raising awareness of environmentally friendly working practices throughout the organisation, actively encouraging staff to implement these practices by way of regular environmental campaigns.

11. Communication and Contacts

This policy will be shared with all staff within the PIRC and available on the staff intranet.

Queries should be addressed to:

Head of Corporate Services 
Hamilton House 
Hamilton Business Park 
Hamilton ML3 0QA 
Phone: 01698 542900 
Email: enquiries@pirc.gov.scot

12. Benchmarks Used in Policy Formulation

  • Scottish Government
  • Former PIRC Policy

13. Review of Policy

This Policy is a formal PIRC policy and will be reviewed by the PIRC Heads of Department Group on a regular basis.

Version Control Data 
Title: Environmental Policy 
Version Number: V4 
Publish Internet/Pulse: PULSE 
Summary of last modification: Inclusion of Egress, The Green Stuff group, minor word changes and titles 
Date of Approval: March 2023 
Next review date: March 2025 

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